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The Gaming Club Network

The Gaming Club Network (GCN) is a voluntary organisation, created in 1999, set upon the idea of bringing together like-minded people to encourage others to try our hobby. Our purpose is to provide the opportunity for individuals and member clubs to participate in the hobby of collecting, painting and gaming with miniatures, table top games, Board games and role play games.

The GCN strives to meet the following six objectives:
•    To assist running local gaming events
•    To support club activities
•    To assist running games at local and national levels
•    To provide a forum for gaming clubs
•    To facilitate club development
•    To promote good communications between Gaming Clubs, and games originators, manufacturers and retailers

Our member clubs all adhere to certain standards that set them apart as safe and fun organisations to be part of. All GCN member clubs have:
•    A committee of at least three members to run affairs openly
•    Public liability insurance to protect members against accident
•    A good standard of club rules and a club constitution
•    A child protection policy

Quite rightly, many clubs out there want to know the benefits of joining the Gaming Club Network. Well here are some of them:
•    Access to GCN Public Liability Insurance, the GCN has negotiated a very good PLI deal that all member clubs can take advantage of.
•    Be part of GCN events, the GCN gets involved in all sorts of events, including campaign weekends and tournaments. If you want to be involved, you need to be part of the GCN (or at least a member of a club that is).
•    Be the best, GCN membership is a recognised club standard. Our clubs are friendly, fun, and safe places for people of all ages to enjoy their hobby.

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